Data Friendly Sandboxes: Urban Legend or Quick Win?

We’ve probably all heard it: Building & testing in sandboxes is a best practice and we should never build in production. But is it realistic? When we try to spin up a sandbox we can end up with no data at all, data that doesn’t match what we need or undecipherable errors! There seems to be a tension between wanting to be good stewards of our orgs & recognizing the reality of the sandboxes, developer orgs & scratch orgs that are dealt to us. And so, our group of nonprofit admins, consultants and developers set out to prove that data-friendly sandboxes are possible. Come learn about our quest to find and create tools that fill sandboxes with usable data, and what you can do to (finally) follow those “best practices” we all hear about!

Location: Room 550 Date: April 29, 2022 Time: 3:00 pm - 3:40 pm Cassie Supilowski Jung Mun