Frequently Asked Questions


Northeast Dreamin’ is like Dreamforce or the World Tour, but led by your local New England Salesforce user group leaders & fellow Salesforce users. It’s swapping best practices, learning new features, listening to inspirational speakers and networking with other Salesforce users in the area just like you. It’s one time a year where we can come together as the greater Northeast and hear what each other has to offer, and how we can each help each other live and grow with the Salesforce ecosystem!

The folks behind Northeast Dreamin’ are all Salesforce customers, not Salesforce employees. We retain full control over the editorial content. Salesforce has worked with us to sponsor elements of the event, like some swag and some of the speakers you’ll see in our lineup, but all content and material is our own, and informed by you!


Northeast Dreamin’ has a modest registration fee to allow for the space, food, and accommodations. We aim to keep registration reasonable; for any questions or other info, please reach out to [email protected].

Thank you so much for your interest in volunteering at NED 2025!  We will post a call for volunteers closer to the event.

Any questions? Let us know at [email protected].


We’d be glad to help! Reach out to us at [email protected].


We have secured a group discount at our venue, the Revere Hotel Boston Common.  Information on how to obtain the discount will be provided soon.

Yes and yes! The venue has WiFi and we will have charging stations available. There are also scattered spaces around the venue for folks who need to take calls or want to check email between sessions.

The Revere Hotel Boston Common is located at 200 Stuart St, Boston, Massachusetts.  Travel options include Boston’s Logan International Airport (BOS) and Amtrak stations BOS, BBY and BON.

Parking is available at the Revere.

The venue is wheelchair accessible with ramps and elevator access. There are sound systems in every room. There is mothers’ room available; please let us know at registration if you would like access to this room during the conference or email us at [email protected].

There will not be any translation services or childcare provided. We do want to work with all attendees to make sure the space is accessible – if you have any accessibility questions or concerns, please reach out to [email protected] so we can address them!

Northeast Dreamin’ 2025 will be held at the Revere Hotel Boston Common, Boston Massachusetts.


NED 2025 sessions are not being live streamed or recorded.

Slide decks for the presentations WILL be shared following the conference.

Please read our page on how we select NED speakers. We want to make our selection process as transparent as possible and welcome any questions or feedback that you may have. You may contact the NED Content Committee at [email protected].


Yes! NED will be taking place in person.

Have questions? Please reach out to us at [email protected].

Our current event capacity is 350. However, this may be adjusted if necessary to ensure that all presenters and attendees can attend the event safely.

At this time, masks are optional. We encourage you to make or update your choice to mask or not throughout the conference as you feel comfortable.